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Next Negro Blanco 90 Patines Freeskate

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Los patines freeskate Powerslide Next Black White 90 ofrecen una impresionante combinación de precio y rendimiento. Estos patines freeskate de Powerslide están fabricados con un diseño de bota dura para disfrutar de un estilo libre y un patinaje libre urbano rápido y estimulante. Esta construcción es ideal si buscas una excelente transferencia de potencia y apoyo. Hay que tener en cuenta que las Powerslide Next Black White 90 quedan pequeñas, por lo que te sugerimos que elijas una talla superior a tu número de calzado habitual.

  • El High-Cut cuffs proporciona el máximo refuerzo en el tobillo para estabilizar y minimizar la fatiga muscular
  • El cuadro de aluminio proporciona un manejo directo sin dejar de ser increíblemente ligero
  • Una configuración plana con ruedas de tamaño uniforme ofrece una base sólida y estable
  • Un cierre Powerstrap evita la elevación del talón con una correa adicional sobre el empeine para un ajuste seguro y un mayor control
  • Las ruedas de 90mm con una dureza de 88A están ajustadas con precisión para complementar esta configuración
  • El sistema de montaje Trinity optimiza el equilibrio y el control colocando las ruedas lo más cerca posible de la bota
  • Los revestimientos anatómicos moldeables por calor son desmontables
  • No incluye Freno

Es esencial inspeccionar y apretar los Tornillos antes del primer uso. Además, compruebe periódicamente el estado de los Tornillos.

Aviso: La correa/lazo de la parte trasera de la bota está pensada para transportar los patines y no debe utilizarse para calzarse los patines.

Piezas compatibles

Encuentre productos compatibles con Powerslide Next Negro Blanco 90 Patines Freeskate:

Piezas compatibles


Diámetro de las ruedas:
Dureza de las ruedas:
Base para las ruedas:
Bota/tipo de carcasa o shell:
Principiante, Intermedio
Frame material:
Características del revestimiento:
Desmontable, Moldeable al calor, Relleno preformado
Cordones, Powerstrap, Hebilla
Precisión de rodamientos:
Tipos de guías:
Plano, 4 ruedas
Diámetro máximo de la rueda:
Material de la bota:
Plástico, Fibra de vidrio
Material de la bota interior:
Memory foam
Apoyo lateral alto, Adjustable, Lazo de transporte integrado
Recomendado para:
Patinaje fitness, Patinaje Freestyle, Training skating

Reseñas   (17)

Comprador verificado
"Son una maravilla. Yo tengo los blancos y morafos y estos blancos y negros se los regalé a mi marido. Me encantan. Cómodos, bota termomoldeable, estables y sobre todo no me hicieron ningún roce."
María del Mar (Utrera) 01/25/2022
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"me encantarón aunque por venir de otro lado si me salieron mas caros pero si valiola pena"
Paola Reyes (CDMX) 09/03/2021
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"I love them. At first they were super snug but I broke em in n they feel much comfortable. I haven't even heat molded them yet. Everything seemed in perfect shape when I received the package. Thanks guys! I will totally recommend your services to someone else."
N. Clark (Maplewood) 10/26/2021
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"These skates are pretty neat, durable boot, solid frame, and fast wheels. Frames are adjustable, which I was able to adjust for my odd right foot pronation. Going from an 80mm to a 90mm setup is very smooth, almost slippery, so break your wheels in before getting too aggressive. All in all, good skates for a good price."
Daniel B. (Colorado Springs) 10/19/2021
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"Omg.....thank you. I love them. They fit perfect. Got to finally use them and cant wait till i can use them again."
Thomas Mah (Selkirk) 04/05/2022
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Adrienne Fish (Toronto) 05/04/2021
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"Terrible ! The right boot has a faulty pressure point that literally caused my right foot to bleed to the bone after one day use. I removed the liners, i used a hair drier to warm the booth and everything. Then i read about other reviews on youtube and i was able to see that this is a common issue with many other users. Only the right boot. The wheels are also very loud. It almost feels like cheep skates wheels. You feel every little dent in the road. I bought 80€ ones and they seemed smoother. Not happy at all."
Milly Trusca (DUBLIN) 05/12/2021
Respuesta de SkatePro:  Hi Milly,
Thank you so much for reaching us.
I am sorry to hear that this happens to you. Absolutely it is not normal that a new pair of skates injured you so badly after one use.

I can see that you have returned then and that you got a new model of skates. I hope these new ones reach your expectations and finally, be able to enjoy your ride 😀

Apologies again for this.

Comprador verificado
"Nice skates, only done about 6 hours on them but loving them already. Still breaking them in and loving every session."
Salvatore Acquaviva (Bath) 03/15/2022
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"Love them. I've now used them approx 10 times and they are really comfortable. I did heat mould the liner a couple of times to get the right feeling. I also needed to heat mould the left boot because of a pressure point. The wheels on the left were loud when I first got them, but when I heat molded the boot I also took off the wheels and removed and reinstalled all the bearings. Since then, the wheels are quiet."
JM Edwards (Amsterdam) 03/13/2022
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"Dette var mitt tredje par med inline-skøyter. Tidligere har jeg prøvd andre merker, men heretter blir det Powerslide på meg. Jeg har smale føtter så de andre har trengt innleggssåler, nå er dette ikke lenger et problem. Jeg fulgte anvisning om størrelse og ignorerte at det ble sagt at en bør gå en størrelse opp. Disse skøytene sitter som de skal. Jeg hadde Powerslide 110 mm hjul på et annet par, derfor bestilte jeg ny frame for disse. Dette funger godt, og nå kan jeg veksle mellom 90mm og 110mm oppsett med samme støvel. For oss med smale føtter må dette være det beste valget."
B. Østberg (Haugesund) 02/21/2022
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"Tror jeg fik en mandags model. Højre skøjte var direkte ubehagelig at have på. Venstre var super lækker. Fik dem byttet, uden problemer. Super fed skøjte, valgte dog et par andre 👍"
Sonny Pagh (Fredericia) 08/06/2021
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"Love them. 4x90mm wheels offers great stability and speed. Next boot is great. Use them for both 4x90mm and 4x80mm. Good quality. Included wheels were great. Looks great too"
Erik Sellström (Hägersten) 06/02/2021
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"The skates arrived earlier than expected, and they were in great conditions. They were, however, a bit too tight, so I returned them. The return process was easy and clear."
Marial Prota (Broadheath, Altrincham) 05/11/2021
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"Schnelle und problemlose Bestellung bzw. Lieferung! Gute Qualität wie beschrieben!"
Rene Sölkner (Berg bei Rohrbach) 04/22/2021
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